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You were not created to be alone, so while you are alone, the emphasis should be on you. Whether you are looking for a relationship or not, it is your responsibility to teach others how to love you. To do this effectively, you must first know how to fall madly in love with yourself; then when the time comes to build a relationship you will be more than Ready!

Our Here’ s To You Singles Coaching is an intensive and exclusive four (4) week coaching program, designed for singles wanting a realistic experience in learning how to fall madly in love with who they are; while learning how to build a healthy relationship. Sessions are grounded in Emotionally Focused Coaching (EFC), a proven evidence-based model of coaching with a high rate of effectiveness. This highly interactive coaching program will provide singles with their own Personal Relationship Aficionados.

In four (4) Exclusive, Safe Space, Coaching Sessions , you ’ll learn new skills for deepening intimacy with self, enhancing your sense of being and learning how to build healthy relationships in a private, comfortable and beautiful setting.

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Here’s What You Will Receive:

  • Four- 60 Minute Intimate Coaching Sessions

  • Laser Coaching (5-10 minute calls)

  • Private Email  (Unlimited Email Coaching)

  • Text Coaching

  • Customize Ground Rules

  • Sessions via Video Conference or Skype

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Here Are The Results:

  • Tap into Your Passion and Purpose

  • Build a Stronger Connection with Your Partner

  • Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

  • Learn Key Strategies to Strengthen Your Relationships

  • Put Words to Your Feelings and Thoughts

  • Learn the Concepts of Building Relationships


Value $1,600

Actual Cost: $499

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_btn title=”BUY NOW” style=”custom” custom_background=”#15a300″ custom_text=”#ffffff” shape=”square” size=”lg” align=”center” link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fgbk89370.infusionsoft.com%2Fapp%2ForderForms%2FSingles-Coaching||target:%20_blank|”][vc_column_text]

P. O. Box 2006, Newport News, Virginia 23609 757-243-2698 Office

www.Designed2Last.com support@Designed2Last.com
