About Us

We teach couples how to create the relationship of their dreams! The skills we train couples to use years of 

We teach couples how to create the relationship of their dreams! The skills we train couples to use are POWERFUL and EFFECTIVE – just ask the happy couples we have helped over our years of transforming relationships!

Why Designed2Last?

Counseling didn’t work?maybe you need COACHING!

We don’t just listen to your problems, we help you CORRECT the mindsets, attitudes and behaviors that are causing misunderstanding, division, frustration and turmoil in your relationship. We help you RECOVER from past hurts, FALL IN LOVE with yourselves and each other, and begin a trajectory of GROWTH together!


We provide guidance through HEALING your heart after breakups, help you FALL IN LOVE with yourself and optimize your potential as a man/woman in all areas of your life. With our help, your heart and mind will be ready for your next relationship so you can live and love in freedom and joy!

Both retired US Army Officers, Lionel and Kim have a deep passion for serving others. Although they have over twenty-six years of building their healthy, happy relationship, their insights, coaching, and skill-building exercises are not based on personal experience alone; their advice is backed by the research and science of successful relationships. Drawing from their knowledge and experience, they instruct couples with incremental and intentional training to transform their relationship… And it WORKS! Click here to hear what folks are saying about the coaching they receive from Lionel and Kim!