[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Days Hours Minutes Seconds

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” font_container=”tag:h1|font_size:30|text_align:center” google_fonts=”font_family:Euphoria%20Script%3Aregular|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal”][vc_column_text]

Your special day is approaching, so much time has been spent planning and perfecting every aspect of your wedding. What about the days after your wedding? What plans have you put in place to ensure your marriage will last a life time?

Our Pre-Marital Couples Coaching is an intensive and exclusive six (6) week coaching program, designed for engaged or newly married couples (married up to two (2) years) wanting a realistic experience in building a lifelong relationship.

Sessions are grounded in Emotionally Focused Coaching (EFC), a proven evidence-based model of coaching with high rates of effectiveness. This highly interactive coaching program provides couples with their own Personal Relationship Aficionados.

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Here’s What You Will Receive:

  • Six- 60 Minute Intimate Coaching Sessions

  • Laser Coaching (5-10 minute calls)

  • Private Email

  • Text Coaching

  • Communication Tools and Techniques

  • Sessions via Video Conference or Skype

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Here Are The Results:

  • Build a Stronger Connection with Your Partner

  • Learn the Foundation of Your Relationship

  • Discover Timeless Secrets and Principles

  • Learn Key Strategies to Strengthen Your Relationships

  • Put Words to Your Feelings and Thoughts

  • Build a Healthy, Happy and Rewarding Relationship


Value $2,200

30% Off

Original Cost: $699 per Couple

Discount Price $489.30 

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♥ P. O. Box 2006, Newport News, Virginia 23609 ♥ 757-243-2698 Office ♥

