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Most people don’t purchase coaching until they have actually experienced it. Some people are more comfortable trying things for the first time in pairs. Our Introductory Coaching Program is designed for singles and couples (married, engaged or just dating) who want to test drive a coaching experience.

Our session can be used to see if coaching is right for younor as themstart of a coaching journey. We will serve as your sounding boardnand collaborate with you so that you can reach your highest levels of success in your life and or relationship. This highly interactive coaching program will provide you with your own Personal Relationship Aficionados.

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Here’s What You Will Receive:

  • One – 60 Minute Intimate Coaching Sessions
  • Safe Space Environment
  • Laser Coaching (5-10 minute calls)
  • Private Email
  • Text Coaching
  • Communication Tools and Techniques
  • Customize Ground Rules
  • Sessions via Video Conference or Skype

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Here Are The Results:

  • Tap into Your Passion and Purpose
  • Build a Stronger Connection with Your Partner
  • Step Out of Your Comfort Zone
  • Learn the Foundation of Your Relationship
  • Put Words to Your Feelings and Thoughts
  • Learn Key Strategies to Strengthen Your Relationships
  • Discover Timeless Secrets and Principles
  • Enhance Your Ability to Resolve Conflicts


Retail Cost $350

Actual Cost: $127 Single/Couple

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